contact The BEarded Savant


Austin, TX

(512) 730-1815

Craft men's grooming products for the every man. We carry beard oil, beard balm, mustache wax, and solid cologne handmade with organic carrier oils, butters, and waxes and the highest quality therapeutic-grade essential oils along with beard combs, and apparel.

Happy Father's Day


Happy Father's Day

Peter Polito

Here at The Bearded Savant we wish all you bearded and unbearded dad's a happy Father's Day. Today is a day where the role of fatherhood should be embraced not a day off from being a dad. So spend some extra time playing with your kids and kiss your wife with more passion than she expects. And maybe end your day with a little extra whiskey, because you know, being a dad can be hard.

Not a dad? Today do what every dad desperately wants to do, take a nap.

Live Handsome.