contact The BEarded Savant


Austin, TX

(512) 730-1815

Craft men's grooming products for the every man. We carry beard oil, beard balm, mustache wax, and solid cologne handmade with organic carrier oils, butters, and waxes and the highest quality therapeutic-grade essential oils along with beard combs, and apparel.

Mustache Wax is here!


Mustache Wax is here!

Peter Polito

We've taken some time off after the initial blogging binge leading up to Father's Day and now we will get back to a bit more consistent (~once a week) posting. And what a great way to kick this off with the release of a new product: Mustache Wax!

Let me be the first to tell you that I never thought for a moment that I would be a man that uses mustache wax. I believed mustache wax was for the Rollie Fingers' of the world and that was that. How wrong I was. 

As I've allowed my own beard to grow I have found the constant touching of my mustache hair to my bottom lip to be terribly obnoxious. So much so that I've kept my 'stache trimmed for as long as I've had a beard. No more. Since I've started using mustache wax I've found it pretty easy to keep that 'stache hair at bay and easily redirected to the outside. And, if I feel like it (or my kids ask), I can add a little flair or even go full Dali. It is a product I never envisioned that I now feel I can't live without.

Out mustache wax comes in all six of our scents: Arborist, Naturalist, Alpinist, Lion's Mane, Alchemist, and Geologist. Our wax contains nothing but bees wax, Shea butter, jojoba oil, and therapeutic grade essential oils for aroma and some homeopathic qualities. No fillers, no petroleum, ever.  This is a great product and not just for the Rollie's of the world, but for you too. Try it out!

The one, the only, the great: Rollie Fingers. He looks good in the brown and yellow, doesn't he? We agree.

The one, the only, the great: Rollie Fingers. He looks good in the brown and yellow, doesn't he? We agree.